Groundhog Removal Services
The groundhog, or woodchuck, has become a notorious pest for gardeners and lawn-enjoyers alike.
Groundhog Removal Services
The groundhog, or woodchuck, has become a notorious pest for gardeners and lawn-enjoyers alike. Aside from feasting on your harvest, groundhogs dig tunnels that can destroy lawns, irrigation systems, or even the foundation of your home. We offer lasting exclusion solutions to keep groundhogs from denning under your shed or deck.
For homeowners with groundhogs denning under a deck, shed, or other structure, we can perform a Block-Out to prevent any wildlife from burrowing under. Our Block-Outs hold a 2-year warranty.
Groundhogs are one of the most trap-shy nuisance wildlife species and they can be hard to catch. We use a strategic bait and trapping method to provide efficient groundhog removal for your home or garden.
Our team of certified Advanced Wildlife Control Operators (AWCO) use their understanding of wildlife biology and behaviors to deliver efficient groundhog removal solutions.
Groundhog Facts
Groundhogs are giant rodents
They are a type of marmot, and they are the largest member of the squirrel family, Sciuridae.
Groundhogs eat more than one pound of food a day
Their weight nearly doubles as they prepare for hibernation.
Groundhog burrows can be very destructive
Groundhogs can dig burrows as big as 20-feet-wide and 6-feet deep. A massive groundhog burrow can damage the foundation of your home.

More on groundhog removal
The groundhog is one of nature’s true hibernators. But contrary to popular belief, hibernation doesn’t mean that groundhogs snooze through the entire winter.
Instead, their body goes into “torpor” state where their heart rate drops from 80 beats-per-minute (bpm) down to 5 bpm. They will stay in torpor for about a week. Then, they wake up for 3-4 days before going back into hibernation.
Groundhogs hibernate for roughly three months from late fall to late winter. They emerge again when it is still quite cold. The females begin to make burrows as early as February and the males also come out to survey their turf and prepare for the mating season.
Most groundhog damage is seen throughout the summer months. We recommend scheduling a Block-Out in the early spring to prevent groundhog intrusions. Block-Outs are considered habitat modification because it prevents groundhogs (and other burrowing wildlife) from making a den under your deck, shed, or porch.

Got Groundhog Problems?